
Melbourne - graffiti: a form of reclaiming space (6)

"Woolworths - we fool people"

We are living in a world where space is a commodity; it can be sold to advertisers and messages which we don't agree with & images which do not represent our values are constantly surrounding us on billboards, buses, buildings. People's voices can no longer be heard and are often drowned out by these advertisements and by messages in the media, on TV, radio, everywhere.

Since the media and advertising control so much of our common space, graffiti/stencils/wheatpastes/scrawls are one way in which people make sure that THEIR values, beliefs, perspectives, and truths are heard. It can be immensely empowering to reclaim your community's space.

Melbourne - i heart bikes (3)

Bike-related stencils make me happy. :)

Melbourne - black & white stencils (34)

(I don't get this, does it say BUNG or BUNS?)

You Are Beautiful
and underneath: "There is a certain comfort in the predictability of feminist dialogue"


Evil Noddy?

Black & white stencils around Melbourne-town.

Check out stencil graffiti info:

Melbourne - giant murals (5)

Sometimes you've gotta sneak through holes in fences find amazing graf...

This is in the backstreets of Melbourne between Smith St. & Brunswick St.

Melbourne - the capitalist system (5)

The capitalist system in brief.
Elm St., (off High St), in Northcote

This is a wheatpaste and it is wonderfully detailed.